Looking for Egg Donation Near Me? Here’s Why Where You Live Doesn’t Matter

Location, location, location.

We all know how important location is when looking for the perfect home. But, we’re not talking about real estate, we’re talking about babies. And when it comes to egg donors, we don’t need to worry about city and county lines.

In fact, here at Elevate, you can even forget about state and country lines as well. We are now an international agency that works with egg donors and intended parents from around the world.

So stop searching for “egg donor near me” and start focusing on the bigger picture: finding the perfect egg donor for your family — no matter how far we need to travel to find her.

Read on to learn why it’s essential to work with an international agency.

Don’t Settle

Your baby is going to share DNA with your egg donor. This means that your donor’s traits will become your baby’s traits. If you are looking for a particular race, religion, or ethnicity for your family, you may need to look beyond your own city limits for the right match. 

Here at Elevate Egg Donors and Surrogates, we are very sensitive to what intended parents want when looking for an egg donor. It’s understandable for intended parents to want to share similar traits with their babies, such as heritage, customs, and legacy. After all; these are the traits that most families share.

Sometimes this means looking a little farther and a little wider.

Choosing a Donor

Because of the beauty of the internet, it doesn’t matter where the egg donor lives. 

First, an egg donor will apply through our website. If we feel that she is a good fit for our agency, we can contact her through Skype or Facetime to do the initial face-face- interview. She will then be asked to fill out extensive questionnaires about her medical background. Soon after, we meet her in person for coffee, dinner or lunch at her convenience. 

After the egg donor submits her photos and her profile is posted on our site, any set of intended parents can choose her. They can even go onto the website under Intended Parents → Payment Portal and put a donor on hold. The hold lasts for five business days until you’ve made a final decision. The hold fee acts as a credit to the agency once you’ve decided to move forward. 

When a match is made, we coordinate between the egg donor and the intended parents to make sure all terms of the arrangements are acceptable to both parties. We then take it to your clinic and work with the nurse coordinator to get the donor in for her donor day. 

Making Travel Arrangements

If the egg donor doesn’t live close to a reputable fertility clinic, the intended parents are expected to cover all travel costs.

These costs include:

  • Airfare

  • Hotel accommodations

  • Ground transportation

  • A daily budget for food and other expenses

Typically, if an egg donor needs to travel to a fertility clinic, she’ll need anywhere from 5 to 9 days of hotel accommodations. This time includes appointments, retrieval, and recovery. 

We have travel specialists in our office who will arrange all travel arrangements. We are extremely conscious of budget and the expenditures covered by the intended parents. As parents who have been through this, we know it is important to save where we can. While we know you are aware of the time and energy that is required of egg donors through this process, we still economize costs

Don’t Worry About Egg Donation Near Me

Now you can have peace of mind as you search for the perfect egg donor. You can feel confident that no matter where your egg donor is from, we will help you make all the arrangements necessary to build your family. Don’t let location stop you from having the perfect family you’ve always wanted.  

And remember, you don’t ever need to search for “egg donation near me” again. Unless of course, it brought you to Elevate through this blog post. 🙂



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