The 3 Best Tips We’ve Learned for Men Having Babies

Let’s talk about men having babies. And no, we don’t mean the 1994 film Junior starring Arnold Swartzenager.  We’re talking about gay men having families. Real families.

You may not know this, but Elevate Egg Donors and Surrogates was created because of our own personal experiences of finding the perfect donor. We’ve been through the journey of growing our own family, and we’re here to tell a few tips we’ve learned along the way.

Here’s what a gay couple needs to know before they start:

1. Don’t Rush

Building a family is a process. It takes time, planning, and patience. Here are a few things to consider before you start:

Get on the Same Page

Make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to having a family. More and more opportunities are becoming available for gay couples to become parents. Learn as much as you can about egg donations and surrogacy. Check out resources such as Men Having Babies for guidance and advice from other couples.

Timing is Everything

Sit down with your partner and figure out a realistic timeline. Having a baby could affect your career goals and/or your travel plans. Come up with a plan, so when the time comes to start a family, you are both ready and willing with realistic expectations.

Financially Set

And not scare you, but having a child through an egg donor and a surrogate can be expensive. But don’t panic yet, you can check out nonprofits such as Forming Families Foundation. They offer grants for families who are interested in IVF.

2. Know What You’re Looking For

We get it. Picking out a donor who your child will share genetics with is a big deal. But remember, just like picking a spouse, no one is perfect. 

Make a list with your partner and decide what traits are non-negotiable, then try to be flexible on the rest. Most couples like their donor to share the same heritage so they will share similar characteristics with their child. Other parents focus on specific talents and hobbies. 

Whatever your priorities are, we do our best to match you with the perfect donor. We are confident in our donors and only offer the best of best.

3. Consider Your Relationship to the Donor

Traditionally, egg donors would remain anonymous. Now, there are more and more situations where the donor and intended parents can decide how just how much they are involved with each other. 

Some parties choose to meet and communicate during the retrieval process, while other donors and parents decide to stay involved with each other throughout the child’s life. This way, they can share significant milestones, communicate and offer insights, and even provide valuable medical background information.

Men Having Babies

Men having babies can be a long road, but don’t get let that discourage you. We are here to help you every step of the way. We’re your biggest supporters and your biggest cheerleaders.

Come check us out, look around, read our story, and even register to see our donor database. There’s never been a better time to start planning your family.



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