New York City Egg Donation Agency


For some, the role of becoming a parent can be difficult for a multitude of reasons. This reality for one in eight couples in the United States can be overwhelming to think about. However, at Elevate Donors, we believe that a difficult path to parenthood does not mean that you need to give up hope. With so many options available for family planning, from surrogacy to egg donation, there is nothing wrong with needing extra help. If you feel that egg donation may be the perfect fit for your family planning goals, our New York City egg donation agency is here to help.

Elevate Donors is an egg donor agency in New York City passionate about helping intended parents pursue their goal of building a family. We understand that the journey of welcoming a child into the world is different for every intended parent. That is why our team works hard to match intended parents with the qualified egg donors we feel are the perfect fit for them. We will provide you with the knowledge of the journey and all it entails to make sure that you feel confident moving forward.

Factors to Consider Before Matching With a NYC Egg Donor

Regardless of the avenue you take when it comes to family planning, there is a lot of research and consideration that should be put into this decision. While egg donation is a journey that you should be excited about, you should also have a clear understanding of the full picture of each aspect of this journey. Some factors you should consider before moving forward with the egg donor matching journey include:

  • Timing: The journey can take a minimum of three months when using fresh donor eggs. This is due to the fact that it takes significant time to medically evaluate the egg donor, complete the legal aspects of the journey, and plan and execute egg retrieval. 
  • Transfer: Using an egg donor offers women the unique opportunity to possibly carry the child themselves. Other intended parents, like single male and same-sex male couples, will require a gestational surrogate to help them build their family. Having an expectation of the gestational surrogacy period in addition to the egg donation timeline will help intended parents have an overview of the timeline they can expect.
  • Finances: Many people already know that in vitro fertilization, or IVF, treatments are highly expensive. However, this does not need to be a hurdle for intended parents. Our egg donor agency works with intended parents to secure financing and is also able to work with most budgets. 

If you still feel confident that egg donation is the right path for you as you pursue your dream of parenthood, our NYC egg donation agency is ready to help you get started with your journey.

What Are the Requirements to Become an Egg Donor in New York City?

At Elevate Donors, we pride ourselves on only working with qualified egg donors who meet the state’s requirements for who may be eligible to donate their eggs. As an intended parent, it is crucial that you know that the women you will be matched with are qualified to be donating their eggs to you. The requirements that potential egg donors must meet in the state of New York include the following:

  • Egg donors must be generally healthy
  • Egg donors must be between the ages of 20 and 30
  • Egg donors must have a body mass index between 18 and 28
  • Egg donors must not be active smokers

To learn more about the requirements that the egg donors we work with at our NYC egg donor agency must meet, contact the Elevate Donors team today.

How Are Egg Donors in NYC Screened?

Even if a potential egg donor meets the state’s requirements, they must also be screened by our New York City egg donor agency before they can be matched with intended parents. The screening steps for egg donors in NYC include:


  • Potential egg donors must complete an online application
  • Accepted applicants will then undergo an egg donor consultation with one of our New York City agency team members
  • Potential egg donors will complete an extended application and any necessary testing

For any other questions you may have regarding the egg donation journey and how we choose our egg donors in New York, please reach out to our team at any time!

Reach Out to Our New York City Egg Donation Agency Today

At Elevate Donors, we work hard to match intended parents with the qualified New York City egg donors we feel are the best match for them. For intended parents looking to build a family in New York City, egg donation can be the opportunity they have been searching for.

With years of experience serving high-profile and celebrity clients, we treat all intended parents with the same concierge-level service to ensure joyful and successful journeys. Contact us today for more information on how to become matched with one of our qualified New York City egg donors. Give us a call at (323) 933-8918 or fill out our contact form

Getting Started

Whether you are interested in surrogacy or egg donation as an intended parent or potential donor, the process can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Begin your journey today!