Become a Surrogate in Massachusetts

A Brief Summary of the Following Article

  • Gift of Hope: Surrogacy is an invaluable act that allows surrogates to provide a unique and extraordinary gift to intended parents, creating immense joy and fulfillment in the journey of building a family.
  • Comprehensive Support: Elevate Baby offers extensive support to surrogates in Massachusetts, ensuring they are well informed and comfortable throughout the process, from initial matching to post-birth care.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Potential surrogates must meet specific criteria, including age, health, previous childbirth experience, and lifestyle factors, to ensure they are well-suited for a successful and fulfilling surrogacy journey.
  • Personal Readiness: It’s important for women considering surrogacy to engage in self-reflection about their readiness to embrace the responsibilities and commitments of surrogacy, including time, family impact, and potential career implications.


Becoming a surrogate offers women the chance to provide an extraordinary gift of hope to the intended parents they may be matched with. The surrogacy journey is an invaluable contribution to intended parents’ own journey to build a family. Bringing immense joy and fulfillment to the intended parents is only half of the benefit of this incredible journey. The benefits of this experience also provide significant personal benefits and enrichment throughout this remarkable journey.

Elevate Baby is a surrogacy agency that helps women interested in becoming surrogates in Massachusetts. It is our goal to ensure that the women who want to become surrogates have the opportunity to learn more about what the journey will entail from a team of professionals. We pride ourselves on providing support to our surrogates from start to finish and even after the child has been born. Our Massachusetts surrogacy agency helps surrogates understand what type of intended parent match is right for them and will ensure that the experience is as exciting and special as it should be.

What Qualifies Women to Become Surrogate Mothers With Elevate Baby?

When a woman is interested in becoming a surrogate with Elevate Baby, the first step is to understand whether or not they meet the criteria we have set to help us determine who will move forward in the screening process. The reason our surrogacy agency has this criteria is to ensure that the women who are matched with intended parents are the right fit for this process and can provide the best possible chance of a successful journey for the intended parents they are matched with.

The requirements that potential Massachusetts surrogates must meet before they can be matched with intended parents through Elevate Baby are as follows: 

  • Surrogate mothers must be between the ages of 21 and 40 years old
  • Surrogates must have a body mass index of 32 or lower
  • Surrogate mothers must have already given birth and be raising at least one healthy child
  • Surrogate mothers must be generally healthy
  • Surrogate mothers must be non-smokers
  • Surrogate mothers must be financially stable
  • Surrogate mothers must be willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluations

It is expected that potential surrogate mothers will have questions regarding their eligibility for becoming a surrogate mother in Massachusetts. Our team of surrogacy professionals look forward to providing surrogates with the knowledge and any other information necessary to ensure they feel confident moving forward with the journey of becoming a surrogate with our agency.

What to Know Before Becoming a Surrogate in Massachusetts

At Elevate Baby, we are thrilled about the prospect of potential surrogates becoming matched with intended parents through our agency. While this journey should be exciting, it is important for potential surrogates to engage in self-reflection as they determine their readiness for the responsibilities that accompany this role. 

Surrogacy is a highly rewarding journey filled with joy throughout each step. As potential surrogates assist intended parents in building their family, surrogates must be fully prepared and enthusiastic about embracing all aspects of the surrogacy journey. This self-awareness ensures a fulfilling and successful experience for the surrogate mother and intended parents involved.

Understanding If Surrogacy Is Right For You

The intended parents that surrogates are matched with at Elevate Baby will undoubtedly benefit from the generous heart surrogates must have as they begin this journey. Despite the excitement and joy that can come with this journey, becoming a surrogate is not right for every woman. This is because surrogacy requires some sacrifices on the part of the woman who will carry a child for intended parents. Surrogates will need to commit a lot of time and full commitment to carry out the journey.

Women who want to become surrogates should be prepared to make the following sacrifices in the following areas of their lives:

  • Their time
  • Their own family obligations
  • Potentially their career 

The family of the surrogate should also be supportive of the decision to pursue surrogacy. This is especially true of the surrogate’s life partner or spouse if they are married. When the surrogate mother is married, spousal support is absolutely necessary for legal purposes to ensure they confirm that they have no parental rights to the intended parents’ child. 

Become a Surrogate in Massachusetts With Elevate Baby Today

Our team at Elevate Baby has seen firsthand how becoming a surrogate mother can be one of the most fulfilling acts a woman can do for intended parents. Intended parents have dreamt of building a family of their own and surrogates truly provide them with the gift of hope as they help them through this journey. 

The team at Elevate Baby has years of experience treating all surrogates with the personalized service necessary to ensure joyful surrogacy journeys for the surrogates and intended parents they are matched with. Contact us today for more information regarding becoming a surrogate mother in Massachusetts with Elevate Baby by calling (323) 933-8918 or filling out our contact form. 

Getting Started

Whether you are interested in surrogacy or egg donation as an intended parent or potential donor, the process can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Begin your journey today!