You know what they say: Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Becoming an egg donor is a big decision, and chances are you’ve done some research online. The problem is there are a lot of voices out there spewing statements that aren’t true.
Not sure what to believe? We’re here to set the record straight.
If you’re thinking about becoming an egg donor, here’s the ultimate list of pros and cons of egg donation written by those who have experienced it for themselves.
Pros of Egg Donation
Changing Lives
Not to put it lightly, but egg donation changes lives. For the better. The intended parents we work with want nothing more than to have a baby. They have already dealt with heartache, long-suffering, and failed fertility treatments. They just need one major piece to the puzzle: a donor egg.
This is where you can come in. By donating your eggs, you are giving them the family they have always wanted.
Trust us, we know you’re not here for the money, but it’s still important to talk about it. Egg donors earn anywhere from $18,000 to $30,000 per egg donation. While that may not be enough to retire on, it is enough for you to get a jump-start on your goals and dreams.
And speaking of compensation, some donors can receive extra cash for their donations. Women who are of Jewish, Indian, or Asian descent are in high demand and intended parents are usually willing to pay more for their eggs.
Full Health Screening
Egg donation is a highly regulated industry. This means the donor must go through rigorous screenings before they are approved to become donors.
These screenings include testing for common sexually transmitted diseases, common genetic disorders, and an analysis of your family history. There will also be a psychological evaluation.
We can promise you that after your health screening, you will have a better idea of your overall health.
No Long-Term Effects
According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, or ASRM, there are no studies that show any long term effects for those who donate eggs. This includes infertility issues, cancer, or premature menopause.
So be assured, donating your eggs to a family in need, will not decrease your own chances of having a healthy baby of your own.
Procedure is Simple
Some women would donate in a heartbeat but are afraid of the procedure.
Egg Retrieval is a 20 to 30-minute outpatient procedure that is done under light sedation. You’ll be asked to take it easy for the rest of the day, and then you’ll be up and running again in no time.
Cons of Egg Donation
At Elevate Egg Donors and Surrogates, we believe in being upfront and transparent with our clients. So, here is a list of drawbacks when it comes to egg donation.
The Process Can Be Involved
While the egg retrieval procedure itself if quick, there is some prep work that needs to be done prior.
Often our egg donors will commit, then end up waiting to be matched with intended parents. This is totally normal, but it does make it hard for us to tell you exactly when your egg retrieval will be.
It may take some patience until the right couple has found their perfect donor. Once a match has been made, the donor will be required to take medication, have regular check-ups, and finally, start the injections.
During this time, we ask the donor to be flexible and accommodating, as this often requires a little bit of travel. But, of course, the donor is always compensated for her time.
Side Effects
As with any medical procedure, there is always the chance of some side effects. Side effects vary from donor to donor. Some experience nothing, with other experience some. Here are some side effects that you may experience:
PMS-like symptoms
Hot flashes
Breast Tenderness
One more side effects to be aware of is there is a higher chance of getting pregnant with multiples. This is because fertility drugs were involved, and there is a chance that not all the eggs were retrieved.
So be extra careful if you decide to be sexually active during or after the egg donation procedure.
Psychological Difficulty
While most women to donate their eggs do so to help a family, it can still create some anxiety when they face the thought of contributing to the birth of a child.
This is why we take our psychological evaluations very seriously. We only accept donors who fully understand what it means to donate their eggs to a family in need.
No Guarantee
While we have come a long way with advanced screenings, over-stimulation of the ovaries, and genetic testing, there is always a chance that the eggs that are retrieved are unusable.
We take every precaution possible, but just like anything else in life, there are no guarantees.
Understanding the Pros and Cons of Egg Donation
We make sure that every person we work with understand the pros and cons of egg donation. We believe that if everyone is informed and educated correctly, they will be able to make the best decision possible.
If you are thinking of becoming an egg donor, come check us out so we can put your mind at ease. After all, it’s best to get all the right answers from the real experts.