Deciding to donate eggs is not a decision to be taken lightly. While we are happy that you want to help a family in need, there are some things you need to understand before you sign the dotted line.
At Elevate Agency, we make every effort to educate our donors so they can make the best, most informed decisions possible.
So let’s get started, shall we? Here is a basic breakdown of the egg donation process, along with some crucial issues every egg donor needs to consider before donating eggs.
Application Process
Any woman who is interested in egg donation is welcome to apply through our website. Unfortunately, every woman who applies will not be accepted. We only accept those women who meet the industry standard of egg donor requirements.
Waiting to be Matched
After a donor has been accepted and intake is complete, we wait. We wait until the donor is matched with intended parents.
We have no idea how long this process will take. Intended parents look long and hard for the perfect donor to complete their family. If a donor isn’t chosen right away, it just means that the right fit hasn’t been found yet.
Complete Medical Screening
All donor will go through a complete medical screening. These screenings to ensure the donor is healthy enough to go through the donation process. We need to be proactive in doing all we can to allow for the best outcome.
There will be medical, psychological, and fertility screenings involved during the egg donation process.
Legal Contracts
We know, not everyone likes lawyers, but when it comes to donating eggs, it’s crucial to protect all parties involved. We have a team of lawyers who are experts in the legal ins and outs of egg donation. They are ready and willing to answer any questions you will have.
The intended parents and the donor will each sign legal contracts that address issues such as parental rights, compensation, and privacy.
Travel May be Necessary
To get the best care available, the donor may be required to travel when it comes time to complete the egg retrieval.
For the safety of our donors, we only use the best clinics and doctors.
But don’t stress, we take care of all the travel for you! All you need to do is show up.
The Medication Cycle
After the screening process is complete, you will be instructed on how to proceed with the medication cycle.
The medication cycle will be individualized to meet your personal needs. It will consist of 10-14 days of daily injections to stimulate egg maturation in the ovaries. During this time, you will be closely monitored.
After the ovaries have been stimulated, you will receive a trigger shot. A day after your trigger shot, you will be ready for egg retrieval.
Egg Retrieval
The egg retrieval is a short procedure done under light anesthetics. The eggs are retrieved vaginally using a small need to reach the ovaries and retrieve the eggs.
The egg retrieval process will last about 30 minutes.
After the procedure, you will be instructed to rest for the nex24 hours. You will then be able to resume your normal activities. Just be aware that you will be very fertile at this time, so it’s best to refrain from any sexual activity.
We believe that every donor should be compensated fairly. Women who donate are some of the most selfless and generous individuals we know, and their emotional and physical commitment to donation should be rewarded. Our donors can expect to earn between $8,000 – $10,000.
If you have higher ACT/SAT scores, are of a particular ethnicity, or have donated before, your compensation may be higher.
Donating Eggs 101
So there you have it. Our basic breakdown of donating eggs. If you are considering donating your eggs, don’t hesitate to apply today. After all, there’s no better way to help a family in need. And don’t worry, we will walk you through every step of the process. We are excited to work with you!