Becoming a gestational surrogate is a profound and compassionate decision, a journey where every step is marked by care and consideration. A critical aspect of this journey is the administration of surrogacy medications, a process that can vary significantly from one surrogate to another. The medications a surrogate takes, as well as the way her body responds to them, are influenced by factors unique to her physiology, hormonal levels, and medical history. Additionally, each reproductive endocrinologist may have their own set of preferred medications for a surrogacy journey. In this blog, we’ll delve into a few common forms of surrogacy medications, keeping in mind that every journey is distinct and medical protocols may differ.
1. Birth Control: Regulating the Cycle
At the beginning of a surrogacy journey, some physicians might suggest placing gestational carriers on oral contraceptive pills to regulate their menstrual cycles. However, it’s important to note that hormonal methods such as IUDs or implants like Nexplanon may need to be removed prior to embarking on a surrogacy journey. The use of birth control pills is not universal, and some journeys may proceed without them.
2. Estradiol: Preparing the Uterine Lining
Estradiol, a hormone, plays a key role in preparing the uterine lining for embryo transfer. It can be administered in various forms: cream, injection, oral tablet, patch, or suppository. Among these, patches and tablets tend to be the most commonly used. The way estradiol is administered can impact the experience of each surrogate, and it’s a crucial part of the process leading up to the embryo transfer.
3. Progesterone: Sustaining Pregnancy
Following embryo transfer, the hormone progesterone is often introduced to support the early stages of pregnancy until the placenta takes over its production. Various brand names of progesterone may be used, but the underlying purpose remains the same. The duration of progesterone use can extend for up to 10 weeks following a successful embryo transfer.
4. Prenatal Vitamins: Nurturing Health
Just like in typical pregnancies, prenatal vitamins are essential for surrogacy journeys. These vitamins provide the necessary nutrients to create an optimal environment for the developing baby. Ensuring the surrogate’s health and well-being is a priority, and prenatal vitamins are a part of maintaining this balance.
5. Miscellaneous Medications: Tailored Support
Beyond the primary medications mentioned above, there are several other medications that may be introduced during a surrogate’s journey. These can include low-dose aspirin, antibiotics, steroids, and even Lupron. The inclusion of these medications depends on the unique circumstances of each surrogate and the medical judgment of the reproductive endocrinologist.
A Unique Journey for Every Surrogate
The world of surrogacy medications is as diverse as the surrogates themselves. What one surrogate experiences might differ greatly from another, and the medical protocol for each journey can vary based on individual needs and preferences. This journey can be a collaborative effort between the surrogate, the intended parents, and the medical professionals guiding the process.
As you embark on this remarkable path, remember that open communication with your medical team is key. They will provide you with detailed instructions on the medications you’ll be taking, along with any potential side effects you might experience. Your well-being and comfort are central to the process, and your medical team is there to support you every step of the way.
In conclusion, becoming a gestational surrogate is an extraordinary gift of love and compassion. The world of surrogacy medications is an essential part of this journey, one that reflects the uniqueness of every surrogate and the personalized approach that defines this remarkable path toward bringing dreams of parenthood to life. To learn more about becoming an Elevate Surrogate please contact us at or by completing our 2-minute initial surrogacy application.