Do Women Who Donate Their Eggs Run Health Risks?

If you have ever considered becoming an egg donor, you likely have a long list of questions you would like answers to before deciding whether or not to move forward with the application. While becoming an egg donor allows women the opportunity to give other intended parents the invaluable gift of hope to be able to build a family of their own, you may have some concerns regarding any potential health risks you may face as a donor. The answer is that while there are risks, these health risks are often very rare amongst egg donors.

Elevate Donors offers women the resources to begin their journeys as potential egg donors and become matched with intended parents that we feel are the best fit for them. If you are considering becoming an egg donor, it is crucial that you have the full picture of what your journey could entail and what risks you may face as a donor.

What Are the Health Risks for Egg Donors?

All medical procedures present a certain level of risk to patients who choose to undergo them. However, when it comes to becoming an egg donor, the health risks that are known are very rare. Despite the rarity of these risks, it is important that you have a full and comprehensive idea of every aspect of egg donation before you begin your journey. The health risks that women who donate their eggs may face include the following:

Injection Side Effects and Risks

While most egg donors tolerate the blood tests and hormone injections well, some women have experienced pain, redness, or minor bruising at the injection or blood draw site. This may be due to an allergic reaction, although this risk is not likely.

Medication Side Effects and Risks

There is a minor risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or OHSS, developing during an egg donation cycle. OHSS generally occurs after the egg retrieval, and symptoms can include swelling of the ovaries, bloating, weight gain, and abdominal pain. 

In its mildest form, OHSS can be uncomfortable but resolves on its own within several days. However, the severe form, which only affects less than 1% of donor cycles, can require hospitalization for monitoring. While this degree of severity requires medical attention, the condition usually lasts no more than one week.

Procedure Side Effects and Risks 

The egg retrieval step in your egg donor journey involves a procedure which is guided by transvaginal ultrasound. The risk of serious complications from this procedure are as low as about one in 1,000 chances. Serious complications may include bleeding that requires observation in the hospital or blood transfusion, damage to internal organs; and infection.

Although there may be conflicting opinions regarding the health risks associated with egg donation, the evidence to date does not suggest that donating eggs increases a woman’s risk of breast or ovarian cancer. There is also currently no evidence that it increases your risk of infertility. In fact, most donors report positive side effects from their egg donation journeys as they develop a more complete view of their own reproductive system.  If you are ready to begin your egg donation journey and feel comfortable moving forward, contact Elevate Donors to get started today.

Become an Egg Donor With Elevate Today

Elevate Donors is an egg donor agency that helps potential egg donors begin their egg donation journey with the knowledge they need to understand the full picture of what may occur through each step. We go above and beyond for each of our egg donors to ensure they understand the rare health risks and feel comfortable moving forward

Contact us today for more information on becoming an egg donor by calling (323) 933-8918 or filling out our contact form.


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