Why Canadians Are Coming to the US to Find Egg Donors

International parents often look abroad for more favorable options in creating their families. Because the United States offers generally supportive fertility laws, safe medical care, and allows for surrogates and egg donors to be compensated, it can be a great option for families hoping to expand. Many Canadian citizens have found themselves in a similar […]

Supporting Your Partner When Using Third-Party Reproduction

Choosing third-party reproduction may not have been in your family’s original plans. In fact, unless you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, you likely never expected this to be the route you would take to build your family. Choosing a donor and/or surrogate and walking the journey together of starting your family can put extra […]

How Can You Tell if Your Surrogate is Right for You?

Selecting a surrogate can be one of the most intimidating, and yet exciting steps along the path of third-party reproduction. Choosing a woman to safely grow, carry, and bring your child into this world can feel like a monumental task and of course you want to find the perfect match! How to Consider When a […]

How to Prepare for Egg Retrieval

In the weeks approaching your egg retrieval, you’ll already be taking special care of yourself. Hydrating appropriately, avoiding strenuous exercise, and taking all medications on time will help ensure a safe and healthy med-cycle. But what about preparing for the actual egg retrieval? Steps You Can Take to Prepare for Egg Retrieval Take a Trigger […]

Can A Surrogate Mother Decide to Keep the Baby?

Establishing a safe, legal, and trustworthy way for your child to enter the world is the first and foremost goal of any surrogacy journey. For this reason, any gestational surrogate or intended parent entering into a surrogacy agreement should have a lengthy contract drawn up and agreed to by an attorney with specific reproductive expertise. […]